It Is a Great Weekend Bag

I can’t say I’ll tackle this project ever again….

But, the Amy Butler Weekender Bag was great for my overnight trip to Cambridge on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. That’s my friend Julia’s dog Prince modeling. SO stinking cute I wanted to take him home with me.

I started this lil box of pain back in January or February.  And it sat and sat and sat. Honestly, I haven’t and won’t even bother with the lining at this point. The nerves are still raw. But, the zipper was in and the bag was made. It easily held jeans, boots, shoes, make up bag and a change of clothes.

Amy Butler, the trust is gone. But, you make some cute patterns. With time and therapy we might be able to get to know each other again.

Thanks for the tips on the coat. I’m going to Philadelphia this weekend (with this bag again!) and might try and find a subtle contrast. I just haven’t gotten around to even tracing it out!


  1. For what it’s worth, the bag looks great! I’m totally impressed. I have this pattern but haven’t attempted it. Maybe I’ll wait until my sewing skills are a little more developed 🙂

  2. I wanted to make this exact bag, because it’s so darn cute. But then I Googled it and read that everyone who made it or attempted to make it suffered just too much. It would kill both me and my sewing machine. I give you a lot of credit for making it this far.

  3. Does anyone have an easy time with her patterns? This is a great looking bag, but everyone describes severe reactions to making it! Hey, Amy Butler are you listening?

  4. The bag turned out great. I feel glutened for punishment with that bag. I’ve got the pattern, and really do want to try it sometime –but with all those negative reviews, why would I do that to myself? But I have to say, even with all the bad reviews, everyones bag still looks great!!

  5. Great bag. I’ve made it…last year. It came out nice but it was WORK, not fun. I took my time with each seam, too. I thought it came out heavy. Nearly too heavy for a bag that you’re suppose to put stuff into and it becomes heavier! I made it for a friend so I don’t have to lug it around.

  6. I hear you on that bag. I think it’s been a year since I made mine and I still have no desire to go down that road again. I remember it like it was yesterday….

  7. The bag is really adorable and I give you tons of credit for getting as far as you did. My sewing instructor, who has sewn for 30+ years and used to own a custom corset business, said she has never encountered such a difficult project as that bag. Ever. So yeah, I think I’ll admire them from afar. 🙂

  8. You were so brave to make a suitcase to start with! And it does look cute. Nothing like a difficult project to make Burda seem easy

  9. Your bag looks really good. You did an excellent job matching your print. Though it was difficult at least you have something stylish to show for the hard work.

  10. The bag still looks fabulous! I wish you lived closer – you could come over and use my 206 and zip through that thing!

  11. It looks really cute, but I agree-if it gives me too much grief, I never tackle it again. First and last, lesson learned. Too many other fun things to sew.

  12. I really wanted to make that bag until I read the comments about how difficult it was. I decided I could live without it!! Yours looks great!! I also really like your top in that picture!

  13. I just love your bag…and everyone elses, but the reviews of pain and sorrow! I’m proud of myself for not buying the pattern 🙂 That way I’ll have to think more than twice about making it. Gosh, though, it looks great…and would be a great tiny dog carrier. I think I would have slipped him in on the way home.

  14. Great bag – love the print you chose. Now you better spend every other weekend away for the next 6 months, just to make up for the trauma.

    That little dog is so darn cute!

  15. I love that weekend bag, when I saw the photo I thought perhaps you were looking for a pattern to make it, clearly it looked RTW. Great job!

  16. f’ing weekender bag! omg did i just say that? i’ll be friends with now that i have my industrial walking foot machine with piping foot though!

  17. Glad to know I am not alone in my frustration with Amy Butler patterns! I find that they take a LOT of finessing (to put it mildly) to make them work. But your bag looks great!

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