It’s a Small Small World and Unicorn Sighting

Guys. I’m drinking my coffee this morning from the BEST CUP EVER. Check it.

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How did I happen upon said Nigel-inspired MINI Cooper awesomeness? It was hand delivered from the  UK by Melissa FehrTrade (as I’ve been calling her for years).

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She’s visiting the US and has family in the city. Trena came up from DC (wearing this BurdaStyle dress)  and we all got together for a really really amazing dinner at Jack’s Bistro here in B’more. Chocolate Mac and Cheese, yo. It sounds weird. But, it’s DELICIOUS.

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The cool gifts don’t stop with the BEST MUG EVER. I have finally seen the elusive Vilene bias tape for those Burdaphiles. American friends, it is real. It does exist. And now, I have yards of it. I’m going to hoard it like unicorn tears. I’ll write more about it when I get my first chance to use it.

I’ll say it again, these are the wonders of the internet. You can meet people and be fast friends because of the shared sewing experience. Plus, you already ‘know* them so there’s NO awkwardness at all.

Now, I just need to make my trip to GB. I have family there and haven’t been since middle school.


  1. I have no idea what that tape-y looking stuff is, but I love the “hoard it like unicorn tears” phrase. Beautiful and a good writer, too! More reasons to love you!

  2. i feel exactly the same way about getting to “meet” sewing friends – it looks like you guys had a great time! 🙂

  3. I was just reading Melissa’s blog this morning, and she mentioned you. Yes, it is a small world, and it can be a wonderful world. Congrats on your meet-up and stash enhancement! I await a report on the Vilene tape. Chocolate mac and cheese, for reals? I can’t compute that.

  4. Dear Miss Celie
    Loved the mug. I’m British, living in the US, and it brought back so many memories of my childhood in 60’s Swinging London. I am intrigued by the bias tape you mentioned. I checked it out and you can get it on, when you run out

  5. Forgive me if this sounds rude, but don’t you have to be a virgin to collect unicorn tears? It’s been too many years for me, I’m afraid, to remember all that virgin-y lore. Sounds like y’all had a lovely, lovely visit.

  6. Wooooo! So glad you liked the gifts. Last night was a BLAST. And you’re uh, putting me to shame with how fast you just blogged about this! I’ve barely finished digesting that bacon burger, I swear. 😉

  7. I refer to fellow bloggers as friends IRL conversations even though I haven’t met most of them, because I just know we’d all be friends. I’m still laughing at your unicorn tears comments too, and LinB’s response is just priceless!

  8. Nice! Meetups are soo cool. And it’s awesome to see you ladies together-yours are some of the earliest sewing blogs I ever found so seeing you all together like this kinda makes it full-circle etcetc XD

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