The Most Hideous Garment I’ve Ever Blogged: Burda 9-2008 #110 and #111 Hybrid

 photo 000001715498_zpsf0e386ff.jpgI was weirdly intrigued by the grey #110 shirt when it first appeared in Burda back in 2008. Trena made it up and I still liked it. I wanted some quick tops to wear to work with my jeans (I seriously now wear jeans every single day). I realize that the top had high potential for looking ridiculous. So, I decided to muslin it in a long-stashed tee shirting before cutting in to my prized ponte. I took the hood and sleeves of the blue #111 from the same issue, kept the shorter length from the crazy collared #110.

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I figured it was ‘in between’ this way and I could still get a sense of how it would look before I committed to the Shakespearean collar. Now that I don’t even know what to do with my bust, I’ve been reading up on tops for an hourglass figure. Consensus is, lower / wide neck, wrap tops, waist definition, fitted is best. They should end below the hip / or just past the thighs.

This top does none of those things. NOT A ONE.

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At worst, I look like a blueberry. At best, I look pregnant. Ultimately, this is a big fat lesson learned. I’ve been super drawn to full tops with no darts that end just below the waist. Look at what Kristy did with Burda’s 11/2013 #105. I friggin love that top! Trena warned me not to make the tops like that because it would look like boob tents. Just fabric hanging off my rack. She was right. Also, that length below, THE WORST EVER.

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PSA: Don’t cut and sew after midnight. Listen, because I traced and cut this out after midnight. I put in darts for some unknown bizarro reason. This FBA should have been to just increase the gathers at the neck for width and probably not worry about the length since it’s so blousy. Darts are for fitting. There is no close fitting needed here. Besides, where I ended up putting the darts are really just pointing to my belly button. Don’t cut and sew after midnight.

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I did wear this to work today. And a lot of people liked it. I think it’s the color they were responding to. The length is actually not bad on me, when it doesn’t ride up. But, for real. This is the most hideous thing I’ve ever blogged. The most hideous thing I’ve ever made is a coat from ten years ago pre blog. HORRID. Even my mom told me to throw it away.

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Lord have mercy. I have to make tops with a waist!!

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  1. The color is pretty terrific. But it’s true, the design of the garment is not flattering your smaller waist. Can you take out the band around the hip, slap some elastic on the waist somehow and give it a gathered look? Or will that be a mess of a thing.

  2. Oh dear. Renee… oh, dear and my goodness. That…well, you already know. I go with Kathy – take the band off the bottom and somehow get a waist in that thing. Lesson learned. Love the color, though. 🙂

  3. Yes. Emphasize your waist! I learned the same lesson a few years back. I desperately wanted a dress that had a fitted bodice/waist and flared skirt. On my body (short waisted swimmer’s build) it just made me look like a fireplug. I can’t do that silhouette, no matter how many pairs of Spanx I wear. It’s painful, but ultimately a good thing to realize. I guess. I still look at nipped waists and full skirts and wish…

  4. Sorry it feels like such a bust. I have the same problem sometimes but because it turns me into a giant pear and not because I have a bust tent. Have you tried wearing it with a belt?? Sometimes that saves things from the bin for me…

  5. Bummer, I feel your pain. That color is so stunning on you I would try to do something with it. My suggestion would be to remove the hood and make the neck a V using the bottom band or like (same width), slim down the sleeves (or sleeveless for summer), hem leaving the excess and belt. Thanks for sharing.

  6. That project was worthy of ME!!!

    Actually, I think if you could add some gathering either at the waist or under the bust, it would basically look fine. Otherwise, it looks super comfy.

  7. I know you don’t like altering or ripping out, but cut off that lower band and re-serge up both side seams to give yourself a waist and call it a day. The color is everything!

  8. The color is great on you, Renee. I was cracking up about the sewing after midnight. Nothing good happens after midnight, not in the sewing room anyway.

  9. Oh. My. Well, it is a lovely color. Wear it at home to do chores in. Wear it to take the trash out. To rake the leaves. To clean out the garage. (It would look equally bad on me. I have a similar build.)

  10. I have a related rule for myself – don’t buy fabric online after 10pm. Crazy things have happened.

    I don’t know if I’d go with the “fix it” route on this one. If there was more length, then maybe. Anyway, there are those days when oversized is comfortable, and the color is pretty after all.

    • I have made fabric purchase mistakes myself with a glass of wine in hand and too late at night, lol. Yep. It’s an inexpensive tee shirt knit. I’m not going to fix it. Just wear it around the house for comfort.

      On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Miss Celie's Pants wrote:


  11. Oh dear. Beautiful color on you, wildly unflattering shape. I think anything that gives it a little more structure would help. It looks much better with the sleeves pushed up, so showing even more skin (V-neck?) would help. Or, of course, less fullness in the sleeves or body. A refashion? Or pass along to someone who looks good in that color? Thinking about that early unblogged coat, I imagine your mom, just smiling and shaking her head at how her lovely daughter turned herself into a blueberry.

    • Thanks for saying that about my mom. That is exactly what I picture too! When my mom didn’t like something, she would say, ‘That isn’t doing you any favors.’ She would have probably taken the top for herself (much less curvy).

      On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 11:38 PM, Miss Celie's Pants wrote:


    • You know, I had the longer length originally and thought about it for leggings. But, at the last minute it seemed overwhelming so I hacked off the bottom for the short version. I actually do like it for home though!

      On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 12:17 AM, Miss Celie's Pants wrote:


    • Yep. It’ll be a hang out in the house top. It is really comfy. Just shouldn’t be worn out…

      On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 1:45 AM, Miss Celie's Pants wrote:


      • I made a blouse with the most beautiful fabric, but the fit and the style were just hideous. I left it alone for a few weeks, then ripped it apart and cut another blouse pattern from the pieces. Fortunately, among other things, it had turned out too big so I had some play room. The second blouse is quite likeable. This is a nice top you have made, I think that you are being too hard on yourself. Anyway, keep my little blouse story in mind before you get mad and throw away something you made from nice material but don’t like. All the best, I really enjoy your blog. Happy sewing!

  12. Your face in the second photo says it all: “I am so unimpressed with you right now blue top!”. The colour is gorgeous on you, but (I’ll be frank) the style is doing nothing for your figure. Is the fabric still available? If so, you could then buy some more, make something fitted and gift this elsewhere!

  13. Lovely colour, it looks like great fabric. I say get rid of the band. Don’t put anything under your waist or your boobs as it will make you look bigger. (speaking from experience) Take it in a bit at the sides too maybe and just keep the sides loose and open.

  14. I’m so sorry….I feel your pain. When you have a short waist trapped between ample hips and a healthy chest…It gets easily lost. I always feel like a big fat apple in sweat shirts and things like that. I find the flow-y tops need to be made out of something sort of sheer or really thin with a cami underneath so my waist shape shows through.

    Still, looks like comfy at home/weekend wear.

  15. You look so comfy and the blue is gorgeous. I hope you post pictures once you tweak it. PS: I always follow MrsMole’s fit advice =)
    funny story: I just downloaded Burda plus 10/2014 #136 that is similar with the same sleeve, poof, and bottom band but the gathered neckline is lower and has a bow. I was also thinking cute easy tops for jeans or pencil skirts for work. I think my comfy radar overwhelmed my style sense too! Rethinking that…

  16. I have lifelong experience dealing with the hourglass figure issues. I have found that if the definition is too great, the hips and bust look too big, think full garment, belted. Not a good look for me. Princess seaming that skims over the curves is best for me. That type of garment shows off my curves to better advantage. My mother used to say the same thing! And your mother would have been right; this top isn’t doing you any favors! And I have to say, I don’t know of anyone this top would flatter.

  17. I like the color. I look at this as “active wear”, and not something that would necessarily be considered flattering or fashionable. But tops like these serve a purpose in our lives and wardrobes. I think it looks cute with the black. I’m glad you left the bottom simple. You look like you’re off to run your daily errands. If I saw you out and about, I’d think great color for a hoodie.

  18. Agree with all the others – it is a great color for you! The top (as you know best) is not majorly flattering, but your successful accomplishments are too many to count! Not that I wish you badly, there is a little comraderie in knowing I am not alone in trials and tribulations from sewing!! There is much to be said for brave souls willing to share (partial?) failures as well as triumphs!! Thank you! Happy New Year!! BTW, I got additonal info on Vilene from – I am mixed on whether it is something I really need, as I could not see much difference between that and interfacing.

  19. Don’t look pregnant to me. LOVELY TOP and the color is one good color for you.  I like.  Still – no cutting after midnight, is right.  Hoping you had a Merry Holiday and looking forward to a Great New Year.  Mary

  20. I just had to comment to say that you have a really beautiful smile :)…I love the color top on you, its’ so bright and cheery…

  21. Nope, just nope. The color on you is fantastic though, and considering the ease, I’d bet you could salvage the fabric for something else.

  22. This looks perfect for hanging out around the house. And you already know it, but you’ve got a SLAMMIN’ figure and it deserves to be showcased! (I mean, if you feel like it… far be it from me to tell another woman how to dress! But if I had your rack I’d be showing it off like CRAZY).

  23. Oh my gosh! I am at work and serioulsy just laughed out loud!! Don’t cut and sew after midnight??? Hilarious and I can sooooo relate!!!!! and those darts??? I am still chuckling and love the way you write! Happy New Year and chalk it up to a lesson learned, I’ve sewn several WTH was I thinking garments!!

  24. You’re, as always, nothing if not highly entertaining! But tell us, what are those snowflakes running across your blog screen? ….particularly noticeable as they fall down all the photos. Wishing for another long white season in DC, are we?

    • I will punch myself in the face if we get all that snow again. I almost bought an electric snow thrower over the weekend. Just in case.

      On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Miss Celie's Pants wrote:


  25. Good for you for posting (and modeling) something that was not a success. And while the color is great you are so right that top it is All Wrong for you! Personally I would toss it in the garbage or cut up into dust rags. I just cannot stand keeping sewing failures when there are other items in the closet that are happily more wearable. The tossing out is cathartic!

  26. Oh, I’m not the only one to sew something I don’t like! although, I do think it is worth trying to save as it looks really nicely made and the color is so darn gorgeous! What if you took the band off the bottom and hemmed? Could you add a drawstring or elastic at the waist? Maybe belt it? It’d be a shame to toss it but if you don’t think you’ll wear it, then give it to Goodwill or someplace like that. 🙂

    • I donated about ten suits to one of those programs for women who need professional clothing in transitional housing. I kept one basic pants suit for just in case. And I think I kept two skirt suits for special events. It was weird boxing them up. But, it was making it hard for me to see what I had in my wardrobe that wasn’t business attire. The answer is, not much :-/ I might actually do the same soon for my formal / black tie / cocktail clothing. But, I kind of can’t bear to do that yet. I need to focus in 2015 on separates. Even dresses are dressy now.

      On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 9:23 PM, Miss Celie's Pants wrote:


  27. It’s hard to tell that you have a very nice figure under that top. I wouldn’t bother cutting this up. Those gathers at the neck are never going to be flattering on a full bust. You liked this top on Treina; but she makes a small bust adjustment, certainly not in your list of alterations.

  28. That was a good laugh. You should know I follow your blog because we appear to be about similar size/height, so I can get a good idea what it might look like on me. And you generally make good choices. I rule out any thing that ends at the widest part of my body which is my hips so I won’t be following you on this one but loved reading that post. That was great.

  29. I’ve always looked to your blog because of all the sewing blogs out there we have had similar builds. Strangely, enough we seem to also be having the same bust issues happening at the same time. My B-cups have recently increased to C’s and I’m having a hard time getting used to how I look in clothes now. Especially since the majority of my life I lived with A-cups and loved turtlenecks and crews. So, yes, v-necks and fitted waists are now all I should be thinking and working on right now too.

  30. LOL nice to know we all have wadders, Brightside – it is a beautiful color on you!

  31. So many things I love about this post. The hair (have you been pulling it back more lately? For some reason this felt new to me. And very cute), the self-awareness, the fact that you posted multiple pictures. But my favourite line: “I did wear this to work today”. Hee Hee. I am SO there with you on that! I mean the seams are finished and the color is gorgeous so why not? 😀 oh who am I kidding – finished seams are not a requirement. Love reading your blog!

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