Pattern Review: Burda Magazine, 9-2010-121 Turtleneck

I don’t think this counts as a review. Burda 9-2010-121 was so simple I didn’t even look at the directions. The pattern is three pieces. I did make a swayback adjustment so that necessitated a center back seam. I made a 40. I should have made a 38.

My first version is black and I made that Sunday night in maybe two hours from trace to sew. For the second go round, it literally took me less than an hour to make. In fact, I made it before going to work on Monday morning. I widened the bicep by about an inch and lengthened the sleeve another inch. I really wanted that exaggerated cuff. This rayon knit is from PR Weekend in Montreal. I *almost* gave it to Trena because I couldn’t quite picture me in it and she likes this kind of avocado green. It’s ok, I have other stuff for her 🙂

To secure the turtleneck, I stitched in the ditch along the two side and back neck seam. I didn’t finish hemming the top. You know I don’t usually bother hemming knits. I might on this one. Depends on if I can find my twin needle anytime soon.

There’s not much more to say. Easy peasy. Simple basic. I’m sure I’ll be making lots of these for years to come.


  1. Love the top, especially the bold print. Is there a way to make an extreme sway back adjustment (I need to take out inches) without adding a CB seam? I’m stumped!

  2. Yay! Another good review for this one. I’m getting it traced and made in the next week or so.

  3. You look so lovely in that last picture! I like this print, I don’t think I would have thought to make a top out of it. I tend to go for plainer tops.

  4. That fabric looks great on you. Good thing you kept it! I’m a turtleneckophobic, though, so I’ll have to admire from afar. They’re way too confining & stragulating for my delicate neck.

  5. I’ve seen this top made up a few times now and I must say it’s definitely growing on me. I like your version too! Lovely fabric.

  6. Firstly, you look more beautiful every time I see you. Secondly, I love this print! I also like longer sleeves like this too.

  7. Oh yes indeed this qualifies as a pattern review….I did the same top, and there is some skills involved here, but like you, it was very easy. Just cause it’s easy doesn’t mean that it’s not worthy of your review. I LOVE the cut of this pattern…the neck piece the cuffs, there’s a lot of style here…it’s all in the cut…and the selection of fabric….and the quality of craftsmanship and all that stuff!!!

  8. […] Pattern Review: Burda Magazine, 9-2010-121 Turtleneck To secure the turtleneck I stitched in the ditch along the two side and back neck seam. I didn't finish hemming the top. You know I don't usually bother hemming knits. I might on this one. Depends on if I can find my twin needle […]

  9. Your shirt looks great. I want to make one hemmed up to the neck for a custom.

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