Silver and Grey Rebecca Sewy

As hoped, (for once) I did in fact finish this bra before the Ravens win over the Houston Texans on Sunday. It’s so pretty in its non-beigeness that I kind of want to weep from happiness. I’ve been dogged about making these bras since I was financially invested from my Amsterdam trip. That, and my bras are expensive and boring. Soooo boring. Beige and industrial. Blech.

I don’t make matching bottoms yet.  I have an entire Pinterest board devoted to underpinnings.  If I am stingy with lace placement, I can get two sets of bras out of the lace I have from Amsterdam. I mix the lace with Summerset’s kits. It’s one way of making sure that I’m consistently working with similar materials. I’d rather use  the extra lace in a year or so and make a second set of bras. And, I’m not proficient with my bottoms yet. So, I’d rather wait until I have that skillset down.

I thought I would get a slew of sewing done this weekend.  I have three UFOs and desperately need some slips. My current frequent companion is on a ski trip in Colorado this weekend and I kept myself socially uncommitted. But, instead of just sewing,  I read. I ran errands. I got my dry cleaning done. I washed my car. I jogged in 30 degree temps. Twice! I stocked up on wine. I watched Merchant Ivory type films with lots of crying, tragic heroines and moody music (and the last two weeks of Downton Abbey, Project Runway All Stars and Brad, Brad World). I made two kinds of  frozen deserts (salted caramel ice cream and olive oil gelato). I took down my Christmas tree. I made two batches of Greek yogurt (yogurt maker for Christmas). I went to the Indian grocery store.  I cleaned my house. I’m talking the kind of cleaning that I freely admit my house hasn’t seen since we met. Hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor cleaning.

And, I sewed two $60 bras for a quarter of the price.

It was delightful. Seriously. Never taking my free time for granted again.



  1. Beige could be so pretty but it almost N.E.V.E.R is. I hate beige bras too. Love your red one and your lavender/pink.

  2. I am dead impressed at your accomplishments for the weekend. I consider it a grant success if I get half that number done without the sewing! Congratulations on some great looking bras. You’re really making me want to try making my own.

  3. wow, total admiration for the bra-making,Ha, I’ve had to wear ‘over-the-shoulder-boulder- holders’ for years – it would be great to have the confidence to make a pretty bra that fits. Good job! xx 😉

  4. The bra looks beautiful! Bet you can’t wait to wear it. Glad to hear you had some free gadabout time – it looks like you got so much accomplished with no time pressure. Good work!

  5. Sounds like an awesome weekend.
    I took my kid on about a dozen trains and sewed *maybe* two seams on the dress I’m working on. Still a good weekend though.

  6. Totally off the subject of sewing….what type of yogurt maker do you use? I was looking at them over the weekend and want to get one.

    • Hi BJ,

      I got the Le Cusisine digital one sold on Williams Sonoma. I did very rudimentary research before deciding on this one. I liked that it had a timer and auto shut off. I liked the little jars. I also really liked that I could switch in a glass pyrex to do large batches. It worked pefectly the first time out. I do use a thermometer when I boil my milk and wait for the subsequent cool down. And, I’ve found adding powdered / dry milk pre-boil makes it thick like sour cream but not too tart. I haven’t made mine yet with skim milk, but will try next week. I’ve been using whole milk. But, I’m eating so much more yogurt now that I’m looking to cut some of my fat. After reading all the methods: microwave, warmer drawer, crock pot, cooler, oven, heating pad… I just decided it was easier, similar, less labor intenstive to pop for $50 appliance 🙂

  7. One of these days, I’m going to get myself some stuff and a pattern and work out my own bra. I know some people would look at this and say “You can buy a bra – I’d rather make xxx” but I think a good, well-fitting bra upgrades how you look and feel so much that it’s worth more to put in the time investment to end up with what you want (well, at least that is what I keep telling myself since I’d like to do this). Ever since I broke and dislocated my shoulder, I can’t wear an underwire and so finding a bra with decent support is really difficult. Bra workshop, anyone?

  8. You are insanely productive. I’m jealous. If I had a weekend to myself without the kiddo and husband, I’d probably waste it all on a bubble bath and a couple of romance novels. Your bras turned out gorgeous, aren’t you glad to stuck to it and got it whupped? 🙂

  9. Jump for joy! An incredibly productive weekend…particularly good in the beginning of a new year! Plus lovely bras! Bravo!!

  10. Hi Miss Celie, these look absolutely fab. How do I get the bra pattern? You mentioned it is from overseas. Is there a way to order one? Bra-maker’s supply in Hamilton, Ontario, also does some nice pantie patterns. Personally, I use the “Smoothie” pattern. But, seriously, these bras you made look soooooo professional! Happy Sewing!

    • Hi Susan,

      The Sewy website is in German, but google translate worked fairly well in getting through the ordering process. I would ask them to write your address as you do in the notes section. Mine came to me, but it was in German format with my last name first, Baltimore after the state, etc. Also, check a few websites for the US/ Canada/ Germany size conversion. I placed in two different sizes and ended up in the larger size. The pattern came in less than two weeks too! The directions are also in German. But, I do have an English translation if you need it.

      • Hi Miss Celie, am so in awe of your bra making. I have the Sewy Rebecca pattern myself, but have been unable to find an English translation. Was promised one from the company I bought it from, but despite reminders it never materialised. Is it somehow possible to look at your copy please?

        Thanks so much Lis

  11. BTW, do you think the shoulder straps on this pattern would work for someone with narrow shoulders? Your shoulders look fairly narrow too, so I thought you might be a good person to answer. I just hate those bra straps that sit right on the edge of the shoulder threatening to fall down at any moment. Now if only this was a balconette/half cup style…..

    • I in fact do have narrow shoulders! The nice thing about this, is you can position the straps a little better to assist with the falling off the sides. It’s hard to explain, but the first time they slipped. But, I could see how to alter it slightly to accomodate better.

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