Long Lingerie Sewing Weekend: Pale Sea Breeze Rebecca Sewy Bra

It was February last year when I made my last bra. I guess sewing is a bit cyclical isn’t it?  What really happens to me is that Sigrid starts posting her incredible creations and I get a crazy itch to try again. My plan was to make like ten pairs of Melissa’s excellent Lacy Thong pattern. But, I got distracted halfway through and decided I wanted to sew a new bra. While the bust was about right in my two home sewn bras, I found the elastic in the cup flipping under when worn. It started to annoy me so much that I discarded the red bra and used the silver one on my dress form.

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I poured through Sigrid’s tutorials and posts on bra sewing. It finally occurred to me that maybe I needed to sew the channeling so that it flipped outward to be on *top* of the elastic instead of inward and away from the elastic. I dashed off an email to Sigrid with the subject ‘Dumb Question’. Once she responded, I sewed in the channeling correctly (outward) and had my almost perfect bra.

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This all lace version of the Rebecca Sewy has been cut out for a year now. I went with all lace instead of just the upper cup. The lace is from an Asian market vendor on etsy and the lycra kit is from Summerset also on Etsy.

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I mean, it’s the gorgeous lace bits that made me want to start sewing my own bras!

Guys, the elation I felt when I put this bra on and it *fit* in indescribible. The entire time I was sewing it, I thought it was looking too big in the cup. It’s also frought with many little errors.

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I plan to sew one or two more straight away. My three RTW bras are about three years old and need to be retired soon. If my next two come out correctly, I will *finally* sew my complete kit from Amsterdam. I’ve been saving this one for when my bras are almost perfect.

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After all this, I will never begrudge the cost of a RTW bra. Especially one with all lace. Think, there are about five pattern pieces. I have them cut from lace, powernet, and lycra. There is a lot of little small seams and details. It’s a lot of work, but so worth the effort!!


  1. lovely. I have some beautiful (purple!!) lace & fabric that Sigrid gifted to me when we met in NYC a couple years ago. I also wanted to save it until I can do it justice. Funny, maybe because Valentine’s Day just passed? but I was also thinking about tackling a lingerie project for a change of pace. thx for the inspiration!! And PURPLE lingerie, well – if not now, when???? ha ha

  2. I’m diving into sewing bras too – I just received a couple of patterns from Denglez. At the moment, I’m just doing white stuff to work all the details out, but I certainly would like a bra that fits in the upper cups. OMG – the bottom of the cup fits but the top has this huge wrinkle in it when I wear it. So chic. 😦

  3. I am so very impressed that you are sewing bras–and they fit. I am too impatient to fuss on the details. I even get rage over trying on RTW bras because the sizing is not consistent across brands. A good bra makes my day. Way to go with your amazing skills!

  4. I am so envious of your ability to sew a bra that fits! One of my basic problems with RTW bras is that I have two different sized boobs, so it is very difficult to find a bra that fits without wrinkling on the cup of the smaller one. It looks terrible under knit tops if it wrinkles. I assume that I would be able to compensate for this if I developed the skills to sew my own. I realize I just need to try, try again, so maybe when I am more confident, I will give it a go. This cup pattern looks like it would give a good lift, which I need, since I am older and full busted. Does it?

    • Yes. This Bra is pure engineering. I’m above a D cup in US bras with a narrow back. I found myself jumping up and down yesterday to test this bra out. It gives great support and shaping.

  5. Hurrah for you! What a beautiful garment. I’m still trying to work out how to get an all-woven bra to work. They were in all the stores all the time when I first started wearing a bra. Where have they all disappeared to? Why did I not save one from 1968 to use as a pattern 40 years hence?

  6. Sorry, I was so enthralled that I forgot to say the obvious. This bra is GORGEOUS. IF there are flaws, they certainly don’t show.

  7. So pretty! 🙂

    So out of curiosity, how does the Sewy sizing compare to RTW bras? For now, I’m wearing a RTW 32GG/34G, and I’m not sure how that would relate to the sizing they use for the patterns.

  8. It looks great! Good for you! I LOVE that feeling when you put something on that you made and it really works, it’s just the best, especially when it’s something hard to fit.

  9. Wow, this is so impressive! I am TERRIFIED of trying to sew a bra but this makes me want to try it. I love the idea that I could potentially sew everything I wear. If only I could make coats like you do too….

  10. Fantastic! Great work!!
    I’ll leave this on my list for the future. its a little scary but i think i can get it done with some practice.

  11. This bra is really pretty… but here is my problem. I started sewing my own bras a little while ago too, I love the confort/fit… no sliding straps, gouging bands…etc. The problem is, I don’t like the front bust seamline showing through on my clothes, and I don’t like the way the bra makes my boobs look in clothes ( flat, saggy and not supported well.) Any suggestions?


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