McCalls 6706: Red and Khaki Pleated Skirt

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I fell in love with this full skirt striped silhouette a few years ago when it was popping up on style blogs and in stores. I even remember emailing Mood last year to see if they had a red and white stripe version.  Naturally, I took three years to find the right fabric and ID the perfect pattern.

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Fabric is from Fabric Mart. It’s a double cotton/linen blend from Marc Jacobs. Mood has something similar on their site now (narrower stripes and closer to my inspiration). And, Idle Fancy worked the Mood fabric into a dress.  Liz and Trena both thought it looked like upholstery fabric. It may well be. I think Trena was pretty wary at the thought of me wearing wide horizontal stripes. You know that sound your friend makes when she thinks you’re doing something terrible but wants to be supportive. Heh. That’s the sound she made. Like, ‘Oh. Horizontal stripes…?’

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The pattern is this great McCalls 6706 that actually has a plan for you to piece together the stripes. But, I just cut the non pieced version for my already striped fabric.

My skirt = store awning. I quite love it.

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For this pattern, I sewed down the pleats to release rather than have them open. When open, they added an extra five lbs right at my waist. And, I’m already sewing wider horizontal stripes.  Closed, they are more slimming (I mean as slimming as wide stripes on someone with with hips can be). And, while more slimming, it eats away at the wearing ease.

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I finished the hem with rayon tape (from my last Garment District trip) and my blind hemmer (invisible thread).

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I won’t call this a slam dunk. The waist is a little snug and the horizontal lines at the waist aren’t totally level. But, I’m happy to realize one inspired piece. Also, I know the stripes add width, but I LOVE stripes. And plaid. And polka dots.

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Gah. That part in my hair is super crooked! I like this skirt with my Vogue 1099  jacket from a few years ago. If you recall, I lamented I didn’t really know what to wear this with. I think it works really well with this skirt. Maybe the high waist?

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Jordan and I are still learning to work together to take blog photos.  I think there’s literally one photo of me smiling. And, he thought this below was hilarious. I was making sure my tee shirt wasn’t bunching up under my skirt.

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After wearing this skirt all day, I’m making a few changes. I’m going to lower the waist band. It sits so high that when I’m sitting down, the waist is under my bewbs. And, when I do lower the waist band, I’m going to try and level the center front a smidge more so the line is as perfectly balanced as it can be 🙂

And, thanks to all the good styling advice on my seersucker dress. I bought a skinny patent navy belt from Nordstrom to break up the swath of fabric and define my waist. And, rather than lower the neckline (I just would never do it)  I added a scarf (a tip I saw online for high necklines and busty women). I think it’s much better! I got several compliments on my outfit at work the second time I wore it (which are several more than I got the first time). Yay! You guys are the best.

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Finally, still no home computer and no posting from work. Editing pictures is a PITA on J.’s eight year old laptop. This is such a first world problem… My plan is a new computer come October. Yay!


  1. Oh yay! So much better on the seesrucker dress– it looks great on you now! And I like your skirt too 🙂

  2. I like being on this new outfit/sewing adventure you’ve got going on now…not proper English I know but I’m too tired to think it out properly! The belt and the scarf are fantastic additions to the seersucker dress. And I love the skirt! Love the skirt!!!

  3. Nice additions to the seersucker. The awning skirt is great! And Jordan is right, the butt smoothing pic is hilarious….

  4. I really like the stripe skirt, so fun and stylish. Also, the styling on the seersucker dress is fabulous.

  5. I’m pretty sure you are the only person I know who can pull off a horizontal striped, pleated skirt. It looks really good on you. Thanks for the scarf tip on a messed up neckline. This is a tip I can use right away.

  6. I love that style of skirt, but I’m not sure it would love me, although maybe I could copy your ideas to sew up the pleats. It does make a cute outfit. Also, it’s amazing what a couple of small changes in styling can do, your seersucker dress looks fab now, no sewing alterations needed!

  7. I like the skirt. I think part of why it works also is that the darker colored stripe is around the wider part of your body (aka the hips) and not the other way around. Also love that V1099 jacket.

  8. Hi Cidell, love the awning skirt. Are those Victory Rolls I see in your hair? Lovely. They are most charming when done in a soft way that’s not too perfect, like you have here. Honestly your seersucker dress has been transformed. The belt is genius, and the scarf is so nice. You look like a European fahsionista already!

  9. There is something in the air, I just sewed a horizontally striped dress, too. It cracks me up to know there is another couple out on the sidewalk giving the same show to the neighbors that Howie and I perform. I love your skirt and the whole outfit.

  10. Hey, great job on the skirt! I love the stripes and what an interesting pattern that lets you ‘build’ your own stripes! I have a box pleated skirt (Butterick pattern) that I may also sew down the pleats. I think the fullness is fun, but it’s just that I have to so carefully iron the pleats back in after a wash or even after wearing it, that it becomes the most time consuming garment in my wardrobe!

  11. Love the seersucker dress with the new additions! Also love your red sandals and flirty striped skirt! The best and most memorable photos are those like the one you show smoothing down your t-shirt…caught off guard and totally adorable!

  12. I love your red/khaki striped pleated skirt. You wear it well! It feels great to actually do something in sewing that you “wish for” and it finally happens! I made 2 summer cool dresses to wear this spring in Calif while I was visiting my children and grandchildren. One dress I got really sick of when I had to wear it 4 days straight! I inadvertantly left my suitcase at my girlfriend’s house (she was supposed to put it into the trunk of my car). I didn’t realize this until I was in the middle of the central valley Fresno and checking into a motel. I survived! enough about me. Love love love the way you share everything with your readers. Wishing you every happiness!

  13. Ha ha on the butt photo! You guys are so funny and cute – him for taking the photo and you for posting it and refusing to be embarrassed.

  14. I bought this fabric too and loved the skirt that MJ made from it. I wasn’t sure how it would look on a real person versus a model. I think yours looks great. I recognize the jacket as a Vogue pattern from a couple years ago. Great outfit.

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