Kantje-Boord’s New Website and Possible Group Order

Guuuuyyyyyysssss!!! Thanks for the congrats on the job and the dude. And, getting my self-deprecating sense of humor.

Now, back to sewing. Which I am not doing. I have ZERO mojo right now. It’s a little alarming. But, I am crazy absorbed in my new role at work and getting used to wearing bossypants.

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But, I did see that Kantje-Boord has a *much* better new website, http://kantje-boord.net/ and are on Facebook . Because it’s no longer in frames, I can use Google Translate.

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Shipping, is crazy high for the US. But, I am wondering if there might be enough people in the Baltimore / DC area who are interested in going in on shipment. I feel like I’ve seen the Aussie bloggers do this. Hmm, I’ll even throw in peeps from the Ann Arbor, MI area as I’ll be going back two more times (in April and May). (EDITED TO ADD) Because I have my parents in the Tampa Bay area and will be out to see them or vice versa before the year is over, I can include those from Tampa too.  Sadly, I’m not going to PR Weekend, so I can’t hand off there. Maybe I’ll host host a lingerie party at my house to give everyone’s packets out. Ok, you don’t have to wear lingerie. You can come in jeans 🙂

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Check out their packets. If we can get, say 10 people in the area to order — it might be worth it. Why 10? Because 45 pounds is the highest shipping at $150. I figure that’s $15 each at 10 people and worth it. More people than that is just gravy to me. But, I think $15 is all I have the stomach for considering how many packets I would want to order at $26  a packet.

Umm, if my maths are wrong, just let me know. I have no shame in my numbers game.


  1. Count me IN! I am going to Europe in a couple of months, but the days I can spend are limited. I was torn because I couldn’t figure out how to fit in seeing all my friends and a trip to Kantje Boord. Now I don’t have to choose. By the way, congrats on the new job and the new man. Are we ever going to get together?

  2. I would be interested if you do it before end of May. My daughter lives in DC and will be moving in May-June and coming out to California so she can bring it to me. Let Me know. madrod1@cox.net Madeline

  3. I would totally be up for that! I live in Northern VA, but I come to Baltimore all the time, so it’d be easy to pick a packet up. I’ve been wanting to try bra-making!

    • So I emailed a friend of mine in the Netherlands and he said that Kantje-Boord’s website is missing a specific logo for Netherlands webstores that are safe to buy from. He says there’s no recourse then if we don’t get our package — you can’t get your money back. He did say making such things is very popular and he has a friend who makes and sells undergarments who could maybe tell us of a safer store to order from? Just thought I should share. :-/

      • Hmmm, I see. Right. It’s not online ordering in that they don’t have a shopping cart / etc. You email your order in and do a bank transfer. I know someone stateside that’s ordered and will see her tonight. I’ll also check with Sigird since she shops there frequently and has an IT background. Thanks for the heads up!

  4. I am interested also! Please let me know. I have sewn a bunch of bras, but need to work with a new fitting. Live in No Va also. Laurel

  5. If you get close to 10 people but not quite there, and you would be willing to bring some things down to Tampa next time you visit your mom (that sounds kind of stalker-y) that I know this about you), let me know. 🙂

  6. Don’t forget, that you will have to pay taxes and duty.
    That’s always something we from Europe have to count in, when we are buying stuff from the USA.

  7. I might want in., though I might be going to Amsterdam this summer. I’ll keep a watch out.

  8. I haven’t attempted lingerie yet, but if buying in would include mentoring from other [Baltimore] sewists, I’d be game.

    And congrats on the new job and new love. I’m sure you want to keep sorta private about the latter, but can you say more about the former?

  9. Are you still looking for people that are interested in joining this order? I live in CA and would not mind paying for shipping to send out to me. Please let me know. Thanks!

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